Spring into Action Challenge
Day 2

Today we are going to post a generic post in your Facebook Wall/Feed to warm up the algorithm and get people commenting! This will help later on this week so more people see your posts about Zyia.
Post Instructions: Select ONE of the images below to post to your wall/feed. You do not need to include any post words (description) if you don't want to as the images speak for themselves.
Post Images: (right click on a computer or hold down from your phone to save)

Tips for the Upcoming Group Party:
Join the Party Group linked below.
Throughout the week, as people engage with you on social media, engage back in conversation with them in the DMs and invite them to our upcoming party!
Start a Group Chat on Facebook and add each guest to the chat so you can communicate with everyone at once next week during the party.
About next week's Group Party:
We will be running this party for you in a Facebook Group
Your job is to invite your guests to the party group and engage with your guests in a group chat throughout the party
We will be coaching you each day what to say to engage your guests
You will be responsible for setting up an event in your Zyia Back Office (www.myzyia.com or www.mycanadazyia.com) so you can collect your own hostess rewards. If you don't know how to do that, here is a tutorial.
The party will run Monday, May 2 through Thursday May 5th.
Your revolution leaders will be covering the cost of the give aways we offer during the party.
If you have any additional questions please reply via text or email us at contactus@jointherevolution.team