Spring into Action Challenge
Day 3

Post this to your Facebook wall.
Example #1

Post Script: Things I can't live without these days... fuzzy slippers (or your fave pair of running/house shoes), and leggings that give the illusion of mom thighs looking smooth and firm. [Add emoji's or #'s to make the post more fun.]
Images: Take a picture or two of yourself. One smiling at the camera and one of your legs and slippers/shoes, as shown above.
Example #2

Post Script: Omgosh!! THIS, my friends, is the most accurate comparison! You all know how much I looooove Target... but I will not be going there for my leggings. Check this out!
Target, you've never done me so wrong.
[Add emoji's or #'s to make the post more fun.]
Post these images. (You can post just one... or as many as you'd like)

Tips for the Upcoming Group Party:
You are posting to ATTRACT people to you! The next step is to NURTURE them by engaging in conversation!
When someone likes or comments on your post, reply with a meaningful comment back. Ask them a follow up question or send them a DM to continue the conversation.
Ask questions to uncover their needs and preferences
INVITE them to our upcoming party this coming week to checkout the line and add them to a FB Chat with your other guests for their direct link to you to ask questions, get the shop link, and more!