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30 Day June Marketing Challenge

Day 27


Make Room Monday in US/Canada +

Today is Micro - Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Day

Let's celebrate OTHER small businesses and give them a shout out!

Example Post:

I love supporting small businesses, in today's economy more than ever! So today I want to give a shout out to (1-3) of my favorites!

Tell what they do, and why you love them and tag the owners.

Example Post 2:

Snap a selfie and check in or tag yourself at your favorite small/local business and give them a shout out in honor of Micro - Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Day.

Make Room Monday Post


  • Post this on your main Facebook Profile so all your friends see it (not just in your VIP Group). 

  • You can also post and tag in your stories with a question or poll for added engagement!

  • Add emojis and any additional photos of yourself (people love seeing photos of you!)

  • Make sure you check back on your post periodically for likes and comments

  • Remember "every like is a lead" (every comment too!)

  • Add your new leads to a list to keep track of them (so you can continue to nurture and convert them.)

  • Send them a DM with an offer or start a conversation


  • In honor of Micro - Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Day ask any small business owner in your group to post what they sell and a link so the whole community can support them! Tag all the small business owners you already know!

Make Room Monday (US/Canada)

  • Post the Make Room Monday deals in your group and tag your top 10 customers.

  • Images will be sent out from corporate in an email and also listed under the "On Sale - Limited Sizes" category on your shopping website.


  • Reach out to 5 small business owners and see if they are open to doing a collaboration event with you! Get creative! Maybe a pop up at a hair salon or day care center? Maybe coordinate a networking luncheon with a realtor or insurance broker? This is an opportunity to expand your network!

For Make Room Monday: 

  • Did any of the special deals remind you of any of your customers in particular? Run a report of people who have purchased similar items and personally DM them so they know about the deal.

  • Make Room Monday is also a great time to convert NEW Zyia customers who are price sensitive. Send a DM to any new VIP Group members who have not yet shopped and make sure they know about the great deal for today only!

Avis de non-responsabilité sur les revenus
Les niveaux de gains des représentants indépendants de Zyia évoqués ici ne doivent pas être considérés comme typiques ou moyens. Les réalisations au niveau des revenus dépendent des compétences commerciales, de l'ambition personnelle, du temps, de l'engagement, de l'activité et des facteurs démographiques de chaque Représentant.

Politique de confidentialité

© 2021 par Zyia Revolution

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